The ADA agrees with the ACCC that Australia would benefit from a standardised takedown system for the removal of copyright infringing content posted by third parties to digital platforms. However, such a scheme should be introduced through extending the well established safe harbour system which...
Righting the copyright imbalance
The internet has profoundly changed the way we access, share and create content. It enables widespread access to knowledge, new opportunities for community participation and fosters digital innovation.
The internet age challenges our copyright framework as the chief means of regulating the creation, distribution and use of information. Balanced and flexible copyright laws are fundamental to the broad dissemination of knowledge, culture and education and to encourage innovation.
The Australian Digital Alliance is the peak body representing copyright users and innovators in Australia advocating for balanced copyright laws. Its mission is to promote a copyright law in Australia that is balanced and flexible, respects user rights, and encourages access and innovation in the public interest.