The Australian Digital Alliance drafts policy submissions to government, engages in legal cases concerning copyright and prepares publications on new developments in copyright law and policy.

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Copyright law and policy submissions to government consultations

  • 10 March 2015

    As our intellectual property laws are increasingly regulated by rules set in international agreements, the processes by which we negotiate, approve and enter into those agreements is of crucial importance. The move away from open, multilateral fora to secret trade-based treaties has added to the complexities of ensuring appropriate IP policies. 

    As such the ADA and ALCC were happy with the opportunity to submit to the Senate inquiry into the treaty making process. We made the following proposals to improve the treaty making process:

  • 16 June 2014

    This submission is solely concerned with the Intellectual Property provisions of KAFTA, with particular focus on the copyright provisions.  While we express no opinion on the overall benefit of KAFTA to the Australian population, we have some serious reservations about the IP Chapter.  In particular we are concerned that KAFTA:

  • 02 February 2012

    The Australian Government proposes to ratify the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in 2012 following consideration by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties. The ADA and ALCC submission offers brief comment on the importance of adopting a cautious approach to negotiating IP provisions, highlights those ACTA provisions that seem to set a dangerous precent for international IP policy making, and notes the absence of public interest considerations in both ACTA and the National Interest Analysis.

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