A policy paper prepared by Prof Kimberlee Weatherall to inform discussion by the Australian Digital Alliance. It updates the 2011 policy paper Internet Intermediaries and Copyright: An Australian Agenda for Reform by analysing and comparing the law relating to internet intermediary liability across 10 comparable countries. It concludes that Australia remains an outlier in:
Publications archive
15 February 2018
17 September 2012
These two reports prepared by Lateral Economics for the ADA examine the economic impact of copyright laws on industry and innovation in Australia. Exceptional Industries examines the economic contribution to Australia of industries relying on limitations and exceptions to copyright, and Excepting the Future makes the the economic case for flexible copyright exceptions and extended safe harbour provisions.
13 March 2012
In 2008, the Australian Libraries Copyright Committee and the Australian Digital Alliance published a handbook on use of section 200AB, introduced into Australian law through the Copyright Amendment Act 2006 (Cth) with the aim of providing a 'flexible exception to enable copyright material to be used for certain socially beneficial purposes, while remaining consistent with Australia's obligations under international copyright treaties'.
In 2012, the ADA and ALCC will be looking to refresh the section 200AB handbook.
13 March 2012
A presentation on aspects of the leaked IP chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement that could restrict access to knowledge, with comments on the experiences of libraries and universities in Australia after similar IP provisions were implemented as the result of the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement.
01 April 2011
A Policy Paper prepared by Kimberlee Weatherall for discussion by the Australian Digital Alliance. It reflects on the legal environment conducive to investment in the technologies, products and services that make up the Digital Economy.
01 November 2010
An orphan works position statement by Matt Dawes published in the Australian Law Librarian in 2010.
01 May 2009
Joint statement of principles for ACTA negotiations by the ADA, the Internet Industry Association, Choice and the Australian Library and Information Association.