Joint proposal of the ADA and ALCC to introduce a flexible fair use style provision into Australian copyright law. It aims to provide a legal framework within which Australian citizens are not disadvantaged relative to US citizens in the context of the FTA.
Submissions archive
01 June 2004
01 April 2004
Submission of the ADA to the Senate Select Committee, opposing the ratification of AUSFTA. It submits that obligations created by the FTA will result in substantial damage to Australia's creative and innovative potential by simultaneously restricting access to and raising the cost of access to knowledge.
01 March 2004
Joint submission of the ADA and ALCC to the Copyright Law Review Committee's Review of Crown Copyright
29 May 2003
ADA submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
01 April 2003
Joint submission of the ADA and ALCC to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade regarding the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement.
01 June 2002
Submission by the ADA to the Attorney-General's Department, Intellectual Property Branch, on consultation paper Duration of Copyright in Photographs.
01 February 2001
Submission of the ADA to the Copyright Law Review Committee regarding issues paper, Jurisdiction and Procedures of the Copyright Tribunal.
01 June 2000
ADA submission to the Intellectual Property Branch, Attorney-General's Department regarding Proposal for a Directors Copyright in Film, checklist number 4: Duration of any new directors' copyright.
01 January 2000
Final response by the ADA and ALCC to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Advisory Report on the Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Bill 1999.
01 September 1999
Response from the ADA on the Exposure Draft Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Bill 1999. It focuses on aspects of the proposed legislation which do not meet the Government's policy determination to carry the copyright balance into the digital environment.
01 June 1999
Submission of the ADA to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Inquiry into Enforcement of Copyright.
08 April 1999
Submission of the ADA to the Intellectual Property Branch, Attorney-General's Department, on the draft Copyright Amendment (Computer Programs) Bill 1999.