Joint submission by the ADA and ALCC in response to the Productivity Commission's draft research report into bilateral and regional trade agreements. It gives consideration to the negotiation of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) and its impact on the balance of Australian copyright law.
Submissions archive
01 September 2010
01 May 2010
Submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade following the release of an official version of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in 2010. It analyses areas of conflict between the requirements of ACTA and Australia's domestic IP policy.
01 March 2010
Joint submission by the ADA and ALCC to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission regarding the Australasian Performing Right Association Draft Determination on Authorisation. It considers the scope of APRA's market power in setting licence fees and terms and conditions for use of copyright music, and the potential anti-competitive detriment that may result.
03 December 2009
Joint comment of the ADA and ALCC on the draft treaty proposed by the World Blind Union at WIPO, increasing the information available in accessible formats for people with a visual impairment.
01 December 2009
Joint response by the ADA and ALCC to the Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0 Draft Report. It supports all of the recommendations made in the report, and commends the proactive approach taken by the Government 2.0 Taskforce. The submission makes additional supporting comments with respect to: open, accessible and reusable PSI and increasing access to the collections of cultural institutions.
15 November 2009
Submission of the ADA to the Intellectual Property & Competition Review Committee, advocating that copyright law be subject to competition policy analysis.
13 November 2009
Joint submission of the ADA and ALCC to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission regarding the Australasian Performing Right Association Ltd (APRA)'s application for authorisation.
01 February 2009
Submission of the ADA to the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy's Consultation Paper "Digital Economy Future Directions". It supports an open access policy for public sector information and increased access to publically funded collections, as well as further flexibilities and safeguards in the Copyright Act for users and innovators.
01 February 2009
Submission of the ADA to the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy on consultation paper, Digital Economy Future Directions.
01 January 2009
Joint submission of the ADA, ALCC and ALIA in response to the Productivity Commission's Issues Paper, "Copyright Restrictions on the Parallel Importation of Books". It supports removal of the restrictions on parallel importation of books to encourage competition and increase the accessibility of books for Australians.
01 February 2008
Submission to the Attorney-General's Department in response to Issues Paper "Copying Photographs and Films in a Different Format for Private Use".
01 February 2008
Submission by the ADA to the Australia 2020 productivity agenda for education, skills, training, science and innovation. It recommends amendments to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) to assist in access to information for students, with particular focus on an amendment to prevent the contracting out of copyright exceptions.