Media statements and opinion pieces by the Australian Digital Alliance in response to copyright law and policy developments.

Media Statements

  • 28 June 2000

    The Australian Digital Alliance (ADA) today congratulated the Federal Government on its proposed changes to Australian copyright law.

    Australia's consumers, schools, universities, libraries and businesses will benefit from the Government's decision to amend the Copyright Act to allow the parallel importation of legitimately produced books, periodicals, printed music, and software products including computer-based games.

  • 22 May 2000

    Claims by copyright owner interests that the proposed Digital Agenda Copyright Bill would result in the 'decimation of the local book market' are simply wrong.

    Australian policy makers must ignore such misleading claims and continue to work for copyright reform in the interests of all Australians.

  • 02 March 2000

    The Australian Digital Alliance (ADA) today challenged recent assertions in the media by US Software and recording industry groups that Australia will become a 'hacker's haven' if the proposed reforms to the Digital Agenda Bill are approved by government.

  • 06 May 1999

    Australian policy makers must avoid being misled by the latest statements from copyright owner interests on the "severely detrimental" effects of the proposed Digital Agenda Copyright Bill.

    "Contrary to today's claims, consumer groups around the world, as well as libraries, educational institutions, scientific and research organisations and others are firmly of the view that balanced copyright law is in the best interests of consumers and the information economy." said Mara Bún of the Australian Consumers' Association.


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