New coalition to TPP negotiators: This is what a Fair Deal looks like
May 17, 2013 – Today, a coalition of organisations representing a diversity of interests have come together from around the world to ask for A Fair Deal on intellectual property (IP) in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a trade agreement being negotiated by Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Peru, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States. The changes to copyright required by the TPP would reduce access to information and restrict the ability to innovate, both on and offline.
The coalition is launching a website at calling for TPP negotiators to “reject copyright proposals that restrict the open Internet, access to knowledge, economic opportunity and our fundamental rights.”
Susan Chalmers from InternetNZ said today, “A fair deal on copyright in the TPP takes into account the interests of internet users, libraries and archives, those with disabilities, educators and business innovators as well as creators. We’re all part of the Internet economy. The Fair Deal coalition is promoting fair copyright standards for the TPP that reflect the needs of the broadest cross-section of society.”
TPP meetings are taking place in Lima Peru from May 15th to May 25th. Negotiators are hoping the meetings will “accelerate” the closed-door process. New reports indicate copyright provisions are a “challenging” issue for those behind the TPP.
Between them, members of the Fair Deal coalition represent the interests of Internet users, schools, universities, artists, libraries and archives, the visually impaired, consumers, information technology firms, Internet businesses, and those who believe in the power of open source software and the open Internet as a driving force for innovation, development and socially responsible economic growth. Coalition members include industry groups, digital rights advocates, academics and human rights organisations.
The coalition hopes that TPP negotiators will consider adopting a new approach that:
Promotes access to knowledge, to innovation and to weightless economies,
Respects for fundamental rights like due process, privacy and free speech, and
Recognizes of the realities and opportunities of the Internet.
“Unrestricted access to the open internet is fundamental to participation in 21st century society”, says Steve Anderson, Executive Director of “Trade agreements must not require termination of Internet access for infringement of copyright or encourage ISPs to police Internet use.”
Executive Officer for the Australian Digital Alliance, Ellen Broad, notes the need to make sure any copyright standards agreed to in the TPP keep pace with digital change:
“Countries around the world are currently looking at their own copyright regimes and asking, ‘are these working in the digital age?’. And the answer has been no. The internet has changed so much about the way we create, disseminate and access content: it’s essential the TPP not lock in 20th century copyright standards, but focus on a healthy internet future - for both creators and consumers, distributors and innovators.”
The Fair Deal Coalition invites citizens to join the campaign by signing onto a statement of principle at:
Contact: Ellen Broad, Executive Officer, Australian Digital Alliance (02) 6262 1273 or 0434278910.