Ticket sales live for ADA Forum 2016

Get in now for your earlybird tickets for the ADA Forum 2016.

The Australian Digital Alliance Forum is the peak event for discussion of pragmatic, creative copyright reform options that seek to ensure balance in copyright for the public interest. With a range of speakers and panels, the Forum is a must for anyone interested in the present and future of copyright in Australia.

The theme for this year's Forum is Innovation 2016: The Case for Law Reform. With the Government's National Innovation and Science Agenda, the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Australia's IP Framework and the new portfolio arrangements, 2016 is shaping up to be a year of innovation for Australia's copyright sector.

But what does this mean for copyright reform? How can copyright help, and hinder, innovation? What is the role of copyright institutions and businesses in enabling innovation? Can we innovate copyright itself?

Keynote speakers will include:

Professor Ian Hargreaves, Professor of Digital Economy at Cardiff University on opportunities for copyright and innovation; and 

Professor Kenneth Crews, Columbia Law School and the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center on Australia's library and archive exceptions in the international context.

Also featuring sessions on: 

Digital growth in the Australian creative industries

The implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty for the Visually Impaired and related amendments

Copyright education initiatives in Australia

The global copyright reform agenda 

The wacky world of copyright in 2015

Reimagining copyright in 2016

.. and more!


Members tickets are $80 and earlybird non-members are $180. For more information on the program and ticket sales see the event on Eventbrite.


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